The calendar window shows the number of "Advance Warnings" set for a date as a small number to the left of that date and the number of "Events" for a date are shown to the right of the date. Double click on any date to enter a reminder for that date (this is a shortcut to using "New Reminder" on the menu). If you hold the Option, Shift, or Command key and double click on a date on the calendar, the list of reminders in the listing window will scroll to the first reminder with that warning date. The month and year displayed on the calendar can be changed by using the popup menus (click on the month or year at the top of the calendar).
-- Auspice History option --
If History if turned on via the "History" menu item, Auspice will write a record of each reminder issued. This record is written into a TEXT file which you create or select via the "History" menu item. The TEXT file can be located in any folder you desire. If you use the "History" menu item to create the text file, first use the popup menu to select the application (e.g. Microsoft Word) which you want to use to read/print the history. This makes it possible for you to later double-click on the history text file and have the application of your choice open it. When you use your word processor to read or print the history file, if you make any changes to the file be sure to save it as a TEXT file (this is an option under the "SAVE AS" menu item in many word processors). If the file is saved in the word processor's normal format rather than in the TEXT format, Auspice will NOT open it (since I'm not intelligent enough to deal with all the possible formats)! If this happens, you can simply double-click on the history file to open it and then do a SAVE AS in the TEXT format.